Thursday, August 14, 2008

Photos - Fotos

Lacht doch mal - Cheese (with cousin Ebba - mit Kusine Ebba)

Schon wieder lachen - laugh again? (mit beiden Kusinen Alba und Ebba - with both cousins Alba and Ebba)

That's Chippy - Das ist Chippy (mit Kusin Braydon - with cousin Braydone)

I really like to feed Chippy - Ich fuettere Chippy so gerne

What? We are just enjoying ourselves - Was, wir koennen doch mal einfach auf unseren Stuehlen sitzen (with friend Lauren - mit Freundin Lauren)

Wiarton Willie's Hometown - Wiarton Willie's Heimatort

Wow, this is cool, my first time on a horse - Wow, das erste Mal auf einem Pferd

1 comment:

Wendy said...

The chipmunk is very close... I can't beleive you are able to feed it right out of your hand...

Thanks for the email!! so how along the way I had lost your blog so I am very pleased to get it back
