Eigentlich wollte ich ja Bilder von dem Baby Shower, (ein Brauch hier in Kanada bei dem die werdende Mutter mit Geschenken ueber'duscht' wird) den unsere Nachbarn fuer uns gegeben haben posten, aber mein Mann hat leider vergessen mir die Bilder zu emailen, daher keine Bilder....
Das Wetter hier in Kanada ist superschoen, meine Eltern sind gerade zu Besuch und ich glaube sie haben es richtig genossen. Gestern waren es circa 32 Grad.
So, jetzt muessen wir noch alles, was in Hope's Zimmer auf dem Boden rumliegt, in Koffer packen, den Kindersitz in's Auto montieren, und dann sind wir bereit. Um 12 Uhr mittags morgen muessen wir am Flughafen sein. Ich hoffe, dass ich in China auf den Blog zugreifen kann, sonst muss ich Bilder halt reinstellen, wenn wir zurueck sind.
I planned on posting pictures from the first of 5 baby showers that we will be given but my hubbie forgot to email them to me.... Anyway, our neighbours from England hosted it for us and it was lovely. My parents from Germany are visiting and over there we don't have that custom, so they were astounded. My dear friend Sandra was able to be there too (thanks Sandy, I was REALLY happy to see you :-) with her little one (still growing inside) and the weather was just gorgeous so that we sat outside until late.
Now, we just have to pack all the schtuff that is sitting in Hope's room on the floor into suitcases and put the car seat into the car and then off to the airport tomorrow at 12 noon.
I so hope that we can access the blog in China to post pictures, if not, you will have to wait until we get back.
Have a great trip, sweetie!!
I will send you the photos that I took at your shower.
Have a great trip Astrid and Steve! Great way to get information on your journey to parenthood.
Have a great trip. I look forward to hearing all the details!!!
We've been thinking about you guys all day and how excited you must be. I can't hardly wait to check tomorrow and see you with Hope.
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