Darf ich vorstellen (may I introduce): Hope Fushuang (wir werden ihren chinesischen Name beibehalten)
Geboren am (born on ) 22. Oktober 2006
Gewicht im April 2007 (weight): 6.2 kg
Groesse im April 2007 (height): 66 cm
Wo sie lebt (lives at): Yunyang Chengxiang Waisenhaus (Social Welfare Institute), Chongqing, Sichuan Provinz
Wir werden im September nach China reisen um sie abzuholen (we will be traveling to China early September to pick her up).
Wir sind sooooo gluecklich (we are really happy)!
She is just adorable! CONGRATULATIONS!
Guten tag! :) That's the extent of my German, I'm sorry!
Your daughter is SO very precious! Congratulations!!!
Mary (OneBlessedFamily on RQ)
I am so happy for you guys... she's beautiful!!!
Glückwünsche auf Ihrer neuen Tochter!
Keep smilin!
She is darling! Congratulations.
Einfach Toll!!
I am German ( though never went to German schools).. and congratulations to you -- she is precious.
My daughter ( from Jaingxi) and I are heading to Bremen next month for a couple of weeks to visit Oma and Opa... our LID is 12/11/2006-- so we have a wait.. Here is to speedy travels to bring that little girl home!!
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